How To Clean Dentures?

How To Clean Dentures

Learning how to clean dentures correctly is important for wearers to improve their longevity and maintain both oral health and a pleasing appearance. In this post, we will provide an overview of the necessary steps and natural techniques to ensure your dentures remain pristine, encouraging their durability and aesthetic appeal. 

How To Clean Dentures Properly?

It’s essential to keep your dentures clean for their health, appearance, and longevity. 

To do this:

Rinse After Eating: Rinse your dentures after every meal with warm water to remove food and debris. This prevents it from hardening and becoming difficult to clean later.

Brush Daily: Clean your dentures daily with a soft-bristled denture brush and a mild denture cleaner. Avoid toothpaste, as it can damage the dentures. Gently brush all surfaces to remove debris and prevent damage.

Soak Overnight: To keep your dentures moist and maintain their shape, soak them overnight in clean water or a denture solution recommended by your dentist. This helps clean the dentures, preventing them from drying out and making them ready for use the next day.

Rinse Before Wearing: Rinse your dentures under running water after soaking them overnight. If you soaked them in a solution, rinsing is necessary to remove any chemicals that could be harmful if swallowed.

How to Clean Dentures Naturally?

To keep your dentures clean and long-lasting, try using these natural cleaning methods:

Baking Soda

  1. Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water. 
  2. Use a soft brush to gently apply the paste to your dentures. 
  3. Baking soda helps get rid of stains and odours while being safe for your dentures (it won’t scratch them).
  4. Rinse well after brushing to remove any baking soda.


White vinegar is great for killing germs and removing tartar buildup.

To make a cleaning solution: 

  1. Mix equal amounts of white vinegar and water.
  2. Soak your dentures for 20-30 minutes. 
  3. Use a brush to remove any leftover stains. 
  4. Rinse your dentures thoroughly. 

This method cleans and disinfects your dentures without harsh chemicals.

Castor Oil (for Specific Cases)

While castor oil is sometimes mentioned for its possible use in cleaning dentures due to its stain-removing abilities, it’s important to seek guidance from your dentist before adding it to your denture care routine. This consultation helps in confirming that the oil won’t harm your dentures and is safe to use.


While natural cleaning methods can enhance your denture care, they shouldn’t replace daily cleaning practices like brushing, rinsing after meals, and overnight soaking. Baking soda and vinegar, popular natural cleaners, can provide extra cleaning and germ-killing benefits to your dentures. 

However, always rinse them thoroughly with water after using any natural cleaning solution to ensure they’re clean and safe to use.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I soak my dentures in at night?

Keep your dentures hydrated by soaking them overnight in water and a mild denture-soaking solution. Avoid using hot water, which can cause warping.

What to avoid when cleaning dentures?

Use soft-bristled brushes and denture-specific cleaners. Don’t use abrasive cleaners, bleach products, or hot water. These can harm the material and weaken the dentures.

Can you clean dentures with toothpaste?

Avoid using regular toothpaste for cleaning dentures. Its abrasiveness can damage the surface, creating spots where bacteria can accumulate.


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